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Families & Community

Involvement and support from our families and community are critical to achieving our mission and living our values. We look forward to partnering with you to support students and build a community of lifelong learners.

Seward Family Nights
Once a month we hold a Seward Montessori Family night to connect families and share information from Principal Katie, Site Council, PTA and other staff. All families are invited.

There are small and large, daytime and evening needs. Many volunteers are needed to tutor students, work in the media center, chaperone field trips, fundraisers (Give to the Max Day, ReadAround, Spring Plant Sale) and help with family events (Sept Family Picnic, and Spring Family Event). 

Seward Site Council
MPS schools with Title I funding are required to have a Site Council. Seward's Site Council includes parents, staff, principal, and assistant principal. (We also hope to add a community member and a student.) The purpose of the group is to support the school vision and mission, advise on school-based policies, and discuss the School Improvement Plan. Seward's Site Council meets monthly. 

Seward Parent Teacher Association
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is are a volunteer parent-run organization that works to strengthen and support education and community at Seward Montessori. 

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