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Report an Absence

To report an absence call the Attendance Line at (612) 668-4956 or email the Seward School email address, If you need to notify school that you need to pick up your student(s) early or during the day, PLEASE CALL the main office and talk to a person. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE ABOUT EARLY PICK UPS ON THE ATTENDANCE LINE. 

Planned Vacations or Family Activities

If your child is going to be out of school for a planned absence, please complete the Vacation or Family Activity Request form.

Attendance Policy

Minneapolis Public Schools recognizes that daily attendance is critical to academic achievement. Every absence must be reported to the Attendance Line on the day of the absence, even if you have talked to or emailed the teacher. When leaving a message, give the following information: 

  • Child's name
  • Phone number where you can be reached
  • Reason for absence (see below)

If your child had a doctor's/dentist's appointment, ask them for a note stating the child was there, and send the note with your child when they return to school. 

Absences not acknowledged by note or telephone call will be considered unexcused and are subject to truancy/attendance procedures. If your child is late to school, they will need to get a pass from the office before going to class.